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Reset a Windows 10 PC

At some point you may want to reset your Windows 10 computer for one reason or another. It could be because you're giving it to someone else, or maybe it's just acting strangely and you want to start fresh. Please make sure you have a backup of any important data from...

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Recover Administrator access on Windows 10

There may be some situations where you lost an administrator password on Windows and don't have any other administrative access to the computer. In these cases you can technically recover access by creating and using Windows recovery media, this article will cover the...

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Find your PC’s name

In some situations you may want to identify the name of your PC, this post will explain in a few simple steps how to locate it. Open your Start Menu and type in PC Name to start a search You should see the View your PC Name item appear in the search results, click on...

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Microsoft Teams

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Getting Started with Bitwarden

The links and pages below will help you get started with Bitwarden password management. All links will either be to other Wilkins IT Resources (Marked [WilkinsIT] in the link) or to direct Bitwarden resources (Marked [Bitwarden] in the link)The very first step You...

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Is That Email a Phishing Scheme?

This article will help guide you into determining if an email is fake or not. Before we get into examples, always follow these simple rules   Core rules of "Is this email a phishing email?"Rule #1NEVER CLICK ON ANY LINK IN A SUSPICIOUS EMAIL Rule #2NEVER REPLY TO...

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