Web Hosting Solutions

Hosting is an important part of your online presence and shouldn’t be an afterthought!  Your domain and hosting needs to be as reliable as the rest of your business.

Uptime, load time and security are hosting concerns we take seriously to provide quality hosting that works as hard as you do.


Our Features

Everything You’ll Need

Fast loading of your web assets

No one likes waiting for sites to load! Web hosting needs to be fast and reliable with the tools that businesses need.

Secure connections only

Only the highest encryption standards are allowed, with included SSL. We also have the proper technology to allow SSH and SFTP.

Powerful security

Tightened security keeps your site safe from attacks and our managed platform keeps things safe on the inside.

A Strong Server Infrastructure

Built on the power of Digital Ocean and our almost 10 years experience with web hosting.

Well Balanced systems

“Unlimited storage” deals mean slow sites! Our servers are balanced for peak performance, no matter the load.

Enough storage for your needs

We know how much space clients need for email, hosting and everything else. We give you enough storage for it all.

Caching comes standard

No need for multiple plugins or additional steps for optimizing, caching is built into the fabric of our services to provide proper performance for dynamic applications like WordPress.


Our specialty is WordPress, but our hosting can handle any application that runs PHP and MySQL or even static HTML.

Say goodbye to outages

From proper email delivery systems to high performance servers, downtime is guaranteed not to happen on our watch.

Regular hosting backups for "just in case" moments

All the tools you need to track and optimize your sites

SSL included on all plans (as it should be)

What WE Do

Technology is what we do! Let us handle the jargon, you handle everything else.

Uptime Guarantee

Few hosts boast an uptime guarantee, but we stand behind ours and make sure that your services stay up and running always.

Safe & Secure

You would be surprised how many hosts are setup poorly, from allowing old authentication methods to not supporting 2FA or not including SSL. We do it right so everyone benefits from secure sites.

Secure Backups

Multiple layers of backups on our standard hosting, plus additional backups on our Managed WordPress platform, makes sure everyone can sleep at night.

Proper Support

It’s no good if your support contacts ONLY know web hosting. What if the problem is your computer or WiFi? Our support staff is fluent in multiple technology disciplines, with resources at their fingertips to learn and help you entirely, instead of just saying “It must be something on your end…”


Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your servers located

Our primary servers are located in Toronto. Our DNS cluster is spread out around the world for maximum redundancy should their be a local outage. This allows your DNS to respond fast and if your using external email like Office 365, it keeps it up and keeps you online.

What about backups?

Our primary backup solution is Backblaze B2. This data is encrypted and stored on their servers for our retrieval. It can only be retrieved by us and on our web hosting platform.

Why are you doing this?

We set out on creating a solution that supersedes what you get with run-of-the-mill hosting and also what fills the gaps with popular managed WordPress hosting services. What’s the point of having something if it’s not complete?

Will you host sites for me? I am a reseller

Sure thing! We can enter a reseller agreement for either bulk purchase of hosting accounts or resource allocation.

How are you different?

As an MSP (Managed Service Provider), our focus is making sense of your technology and keeping it all  running efficiently, and not maximizing the amount of accounts in our servers just for profit. We’ve seen this many times and the aftermath it can cause for businesses. We are your trusted technology advisor and always want you to use best practices for every facet of your business.

I don't know what I need, can you help?

No problem! Book a 15-min call here to get on the phone with one of our team leads so we can get a better understanding of what you need.

How is your hosting different?

Our two biggest differentiators: enforcing strict email policies and maintaining minimum security requirements for things like encryption, PHP versions and others. We won’t allow things like unsupported PHP versions or other potential issues. We also ensure email policies to avoid blacklisting and other critical email issues that can cause major security breaches and headaches. 

I have other questions!

It’s hard to give you everything you need on one web page (and it’s also a bit boring) just grab 15-min with us to figure out how we can help by clicking the button below


Secure your domain too

Domains are online real-estate: don’t forget to keep them registered and up to date! Our domain management includes includes privacy and domain protection very few registries have with multiple layers of authentication to change the really important parts of your domain. You can have peace of mine knowing your online space is safe and sound.

Let’s choose your path

Standard cPanel hosting

A regular cPanel hosting account, comes with everything you need for $100/yr. The service comes with unlimited emails and bandwidth. Most accounts start with 15GB of storage and goes up from there.

Reseller Hosting

Want to run your own slice of our infrastructure? We can go down several roads from wholesale rates for hosting packages, referral systems or purchasing resources and getting a piece of our stack. Let’s setup a call to go over how we can help.

Managed WordPress Hosting

Looking to be completely hands-off? We can provide detailed WordPress hosting that covers the following things:

  • WP Core, Plugin and Theme updates
  • WooCommerce License Management
  • Separate dedicated WordPress backup
  • Security management
  • Vulnerability management
  • WP Optimization assessments
  • Monthly performance report
  • Developer plugin access

Easily add-on the additional services

  • Dedicated transactional email feeds
  • CloudFlare Pro Firewall Management
  • Included WP Monthly Support

Book a 15-min call to get started

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