Terms of Service Hosting Agreement

Expanded and Additional Terms will be included as deemed applicable to your tailored service offerings…Please Contact Us for more information.


Wilkins IT Solutions Inc. (hereinafter called “Wilkins IT”) provides web hosting to clients worldwide, is committed to protect each client and to provide the best services possible as outlined in the Client Service Agreement tailored to your specific requirements.

Any version of these Terms of Service in a language other than English is provided for convenience and you understand and agree that the English language will prevail if there is any conflict.

NOTICE:    The resale of Wilkins IT’s products and services is not permitted, unless specifically permitted and documented in a written agreement with Wilkins IT Inc.


Preliminary: Terms of Web Hosting Service Agreement

All clients of Wilkins IT are subject to the following terms of service without exception:

1.     Abide by all applicable laws within their geographic region or country;
2.     Pornographic material is not permitted;
3.     Unsolicited email is not permitted;
4.     Each email requires opt-in list managers to include at least one single action method of unsubscribing;
5.     Wilkins IT reserves the right:
5.1         To limit incoming or outgoing email at any time;
5.2         To terminate your account at any time without a refund, and at Wilkins IT’s sole discretion; including the following reasons, which are not limited to:
5.2.1           Abuse of the machines – either intentional or due to improper coding;
5.2.2           Committing or Promoting any type of illegal activity including fraud, mailbombing, denial of service attacks, storing and/or housing and/or linking to illegal content, including but not limited to, “warez”, “hacking” / ”cracking” / ”key generators”;
5.2.3           Services to traffic in illegal drugs, gambling and/or obscene materials;
5.2.4           Services to misappropriate or infringe the patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any third party;
5.2.5           If at any time your site has pornography and/or nudity of any kind, including but not limited to, adult pornography, Anime, child pornography, “adult content” and/or the written word of a sexual nature;
5.2.6           Use of ad-servers attempts to circumvent quota system owned by ‘nobody’, certain podcasting sites, use of torrent software, proxies, excessive resource usage or ‘core dumping’;
5.2.7           Attempts to circumvent any of our security policies, procedures or systems. 



Preliminary: Anti-Spam Policy

6.     Wilkins IT enforces a zero-tolerance policy for use of its network, and especially in relation to SPAM abuse. 

NOTICE:    To report an incidence of SPAM, please fill out the following form at https://wilkinsit.ca/witssupport/spam-reporting/. Nothing in this policy is intended to grant any right to transmit or send e-mail to, or through, the Wilkins IT network. Failure to enforce this policy in every instance does not amount to a waiver of Wilkins IT’s rights. Unauthorized use of Wilkins IT’s network in connection with the transmission of unsolicited e-mail, including the transmission of e-mail in violation of this policy, may result in civil and criminal penalties against the sending Client and all parties assisting the sender, including enforcement by applicable laws within their geographic region or country. 

7.     Email usage Policy: Wilkins IT prohibits the use of the Wilkins IT provided email accounts for;
7.1        Third party email forwarding;
7.1.1          Please refer to https://wilkinsit.ca/business-solutions/email-best-practices for Client email directions on acceptable email usage.
7.1.2          When marketing email to Client’s customers;            Please refer to the AUP at https://wilkinsit.ca/legal/acceptable-use-policy/ for Client email directions on acceptable email usage.             For mass email marketing to Client’s customers, use a marketing platform to provide efficient marketing emails to your customers and prospects, please read more about this at https://wilkinsit.ca/business-solutions/email-best-practices and the AUP at  https://wilkinsit.ca/legal/acceptable-use-policy/


Preliminary: Network Security

 8.     Wilkins IT enforces a zero tolerance policy for use of its network in regard to its network if being abused in any manner.

NOTICE:    Wilkins IT  will cooperate fully with investigations for violations of systems or network security at other sites, including cooperating with law enforcement authorities in the investigation of suspected criminal violations. Clients who violate systems or network security may incur criminal or civil liability. Wilkins IT reserves the right to charge up to one thousand ($1,000.00) CAD dollars to Client per complaint or incident to investigate; in addition to Client being billed for the services rendered in accordance with the individual charges and their varied  requirements from Wilkins IT Solutions Inc. as a Company.

9.     From time to time, Wilkins IT may update these Terms to clarify the Wilkins IT practices or to reflect new or different practices, such as when Wilkins IT adds new features, and Wilkins IT reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and/or make changes to these Terms at any time.

9.1          In the event Wilkins IT makes any material change to these Terms, Wilkins IT will notify Client using email notice sent to the email address specified in Schedule “B” or by posting a notice through the Wilkins IT Service Desk.
9.2          Modifications will become effective on the day they are posted unless stated otherwise.
9.2.1            Client’s continued use of Wilkins IT Services after changes become effective shall mean that Client accepted those changes.
9.2.2            Client should visit the Services regularly to ensure Client is aware of the latest version of the Terms, as any revised Terms shall supersede all previous Terms.
9.2.3            Wilkins IT may modify the Services or discontinue their availability at any time.



If you have any questions concerning the above stated terms and conditions then please Contact us. 


Additional offerings: As determined by your tailored Client Service Agreement;


  1. General Hosting SLA with Wilkins IT included business email accounts
  2. Specific Hosting SLA: Managed WordPress which includes General Hosting and Wilkins IT provided email accounts
  3. Acceptable Use Policy
  4. Internet Protocol (IP) Address: Ownership Disclaimer
  5. Domain Name: Registration, Administration and Renewal Services


Last Updated: October 15th 2020.


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