If you’re using Office 365 for email you should already be using Outlook to manage and access your email. Sometimes you may accumulate a large number of deleted items under the Deleted Items folder, this article will explain a few ways to manage that folder between webmail and the Outlook desktop apps.

Outlook on the Web

To automatically empty the deleted items folder when you sign out of the account follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Office 365 account via https://outlook.office.com
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top-right of the page, then click on View all Outlook settings
  3. Click on Mail, then click Message handling and then tick the box for Empty my deleted items folder

To manually empty the Deleted Items folder, simply right-click on the Deleted Items folder then click Empty folder

Outlook desktop (Windows)

To automatically empty the deleted items folder when you close the application:

  1. With the app open, click File
  2. Click Options
  3. Click Advanced then tick the box for Empty Deleted Items folders when exiting Outlook

To manually empty the Deleted Items folder, simply right-click on the Deleted Items folder then click Empty folder

Outlook desktop (MacOS)

It’s currently not possible to automatically empty the Deleted Items folder when using Outlook for MacOS. To manually empty the Deleted Items folder find and right-click on it then click Empty Folder

To manually empty the Deleted Items folder, simply right-click on the Deleted Items folder then click Empty folder

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