Hunting down Malware on your website

No one likes to pay for services that appear to do nothing, like insurance, if your a good driver and nothing happens. It seems like your paying for nothing. The same goes for Antivirus software, if you surf safe and don’t get click happy, you should be fine....

Don’t leave your data to chance, always have a backup plan

In the last week I have taken in two hard drives (one in a plastic sleeve and one in a laptop) that are completely toast. Both users did not have anything properly backed up and they lost files. We cannot stress this enough, ALWAYS have a backup plan, whether its...

How to transfer your Internet explorer settings to a new computer

You had to do a fresh install of your Windows operating system and could not use any migration wizard to move your settings over. How do you get your favourites moved over and your history and such for Internet Explorer? Here are the locations of the files you will...

How to transfer your Firefox settings to a new computer

So you had to do a fresh install of your windows operating system and couldnt migrate your settings for Mozilla over to your new PC? How do you transfer your files then? Mozilla keeps everything in a profile folder for your Mozilla installation, all you need to do is...
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