Support Center

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How Remote Support Works
Wilkins IT Solutions remote support options make simple fixes like virus removal and installations or updates easy from anywhere, when you need it! With our maintenance packages your computer will always be in prime condition and you will can have peace of mind that your investment is protected.

Remote support with us is easy.

1. Download a simple application that runs in the background on your computer. This program can be turned on and off whenever you need assistance and can be quickly removed if necessary. It provides a secured link from your computer to ours and allows us to remotely control your screen as though we are right in front of it. You can even watch if you want!

2. Contact us for a remote support session by submitting a Service Request. If we are already on the phone with you or asked you to download this module, we will see it come up in our service queue and log on

3. You will get a “Request to Connect” when we attempt to connect to your computer, accepting the connection allows us into the system and then we do all the work

For more information about available remote sessions and packages please contact us.

I Get It and I need help, What do I do?

Its simple!

1. Open up a support request with us (If you have never reached out to us before, just call us by clicking the “Call Now” button or getting our phone number from our Contact page)

2. We will give you a support code to enter into our “Remote Help Now” section and we will get connected together.





Book an initial call



Will you have access to my computer whenever you want?

– Only if that is the setup you want, having this functionality allows Wilkins IT to fix problems without you having to be in the room. For example: you’re computer would not print in the morning and you message us to see if we can fix it before you get back to your desk!
– Wilkins IT keeps a log both on our servers and locally, we will show you (and you can check our how-to’s) on how to access your local log files that keep track of all sessions that took place on your computer.
– At any time you can stop this remote service or disable it temporarily should you wish to.

Is having the remote software on my computer safe?

The remote software is only accessible through our web servers. These servers are on a specially controlled cloud server that we own and manage. You need to login to our servers with the right credentials and only then can you access the remote software. The software is licensed and connected only to our server.

What information is collected during the session?
– The remote session is always recorded for training and quality purposes, these recordings are stored within Wilkins IT Servers and are purged once they are not needed anymore.
– The recordings hold helpful feedback such as what was conducted on the computer (so the same resolution attempts are not repeated).
– If Wilkins IT was to create a training video, we will strip all personal information from the recording and ensure that the video contents hold just the necessary information (blur out information etc.). We will also email you if we create a video with a link to the video so you can look at it and provide any feedback if you like.
What information is collected with Remote Monitoring?
Remote monitoring is different from remote support and is a permanent system that places a small agent on your computer that reports basic computer information back to Wilkins IT’s servers. The information collected is for diagnosis and to ensure that your system is running normally. Below is the information collected in a regular monitoring setup

  • Disk Percent Full
  • Memory and CPU Usage
  • Operating System and installed hardware
  • What computer services are running
  • Antivirus status such as last updates received
  • Any errors on your computer event logs
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