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Running Tasks using our Agent Browser

If you use our managed services on your computers, you have access to special functions that can help make certain tasks or troubleshooting steps easier on the computer. This article will explain how to use the "Tasks" functions built into our remote management...

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How to send us Windows log files

In some cases we may request a log file to research what may be happening on your computer to cause a certain issue. This article will go over how you can collect the log file so you are able to send it to us for review. This process should take less than...

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Setting up new Canon printers

This walkthrough is intended to setup new Canon Multifunction machines that have been setup in your network and that also use Accounting codes to track usage. We will specifically be setting up the Canon C5535 today. Open the unzipped folder and within that open the...

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Office 365

Office 365 Admin – Reset user password

If you're assigned as a Password Administrator for your Office 365 organization, you have the ability to reset user passwords whenever it's necessary. This article will go over where and how you can reset users passwords using the admin portal. Please note that you...

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Microsoft Teams

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